Friday, October 30, 2009

Red Wig?

My wig came today.
Well it wasn't exactly what I expected.
It said real hair, I tested it out, its
synthetic. I hate the people who sold
it to me, they lied. Though I kind of
figured seeing as it was way too cheap.
Anyways, it looks alright, kind of ish
real, but not really. I'll try it out in
photoshoots and see how that goes.
I need to save up for a real wig,
gosh this was such a fail.

Photoshoot with Kayleigh

I did a photoshoot with my lovely friend Kayleigh today.
We've never done a photoshoot together, but she's modelled
for another girl I know. We only only had time to shoot one
outfit because her dad surprised picked her up so we had to
cancel the other three. We went to familiar area, you know
the place I went with Deb at the beggining of October, well
we went there.
We actually got the second outfit on, but then she got the
phone call that she was getting picked up. Ah well.
I love the photos, they turned out superb.

the result:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Preview for Kayleigh's Photoshoot

I don't usually do previews,
but today I was busy away
at night preparing for
tomorrow's photoshoot.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Photoshoot with Self

Today I did a self photoshoot.
My friend dyed my blonde streak
blue yesterday so I wanted to take
some pictures before it faded. So I
used the remote my brother got me
for my birthday, its the first time I've
used it for an actual self-photoshoot
since I got it. It works quite nicely,
though sometimes it takes like a
million pictures and doesn't stop.
That can be some what frustrating
but not matter, it works all the same.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Photoshoot with Ariana and Gillian

Today I did a lovely photoshoot with Gillian and Ariana.
Ariana has never modelled before so it was quite interesting.
She's beautiful and excellent at it do, plus she has red hair.
(I have a thing for long red hair) We did the train tracks,
how classic and generic. But fun so no matter, we also
encountered a train which is all the better I do say.
We tried movement shots in dresses, can I say fail any
louder? Out of 400 and some photos maybe 3 or 4 turned
out. But that's okay, movement is especially hard when you
have two people. They're just great sports though.
me, the day before crimping gillian's hair extensions:

tester shots for the dress:

behind the scenes:

the results:

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Photoshoot with Self

Can you believe? I self photoshoot, me taking time out of my day to take photos of myself.
Wow, despiration. Anyways this photoshoot consists of : 90 photos, full spandex suit,
Doc Martens, old rythmic gymnastics leaps and of course a red cloth.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Photoshoot with Tara

I don't really have any behind the scenes for this one,
except a picture of Tara removing her makeup.
So we did a photoshoot indoors, which is what I have
been working on lately since I'm not very good at.
It was extremely cold out, so indoors was perfect.
I cleared half of my room in order to give it a kind of
empty appeal. I removed the sheets, everything on top
of the drawers and everything in the drawers.
Not a lot of makeup was put on her, just some blush and
some brown eyeshadow, very basic. Her hair well...wouldn't
stay messy for that long, it just loves going back to straight
normal. For instance, her hair in the last picture went to
her hair in the picture where she's removing her makeup
without even touching it. Amazing isn't it? I love her hair
its so beautiful.
Wow, I think this is the most I've written in here in a while,
probably 'cause I'm actually not lazy today, but that's
besides the point.
Anyways, I think quite a few photos turned out, I
haven't really looked, but they'll be up on Flickr
maybe the end up November?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Photoshoot with Amy, Gillian and Lindsay

Alright, so I did a photoshoot in the oldest graveyard in my city.
We had our plenty share of cold (minus myself, I was warm),
They all had different makeup, greys/browns, and the outfits
were basically black, added the random sparkled of gold and
silver here and there.
Hair was simple: messy, natural, random teasing here and there.
So yea, too lazy to enlighten everyone with more details.
Sorry D:
Behind The Scenes:

The Results:

Friday, October 2, 2009

Location Hunting

Today I went location hunting with my friend Deb.
I went to an area that I've been to before, just looking up
new locations in the same spot. So here's a few of them, its
likely I'll be doing a photoshoot there next week, so yea.